
Water, since time immemorial, has been a women’s issue particularly young women whose lives are gravely affected due to lack of proper water and sanitation services. Young women from around the world have now started to take matters into their own hands. While there still lies inadequate investment in developing the skills and talents of women for recruiting them into the water industry, it is observed that the young women professionals that are bringing about a paradigm shift in water management approaches in South Asia often don’t receive the due credits, visibility and representation on international platforms.
SAYWiW aims to put such young women on the global map as potential water leaders of tomorrow and facilitate their work to reach the global audience. In this course, SAYWiW members shall use their collective voices to influence international policy development through bringing in light the notable overarching contributions from young women in the South Asia Region. SAYWiW will conduct regional workshops that shall facilitate its members in sharing best practices, academic expertise and lessons learnt from ground on various themes related to effective water governance.